ShowCatalog.php#80descuento8.91sselect*from products FORCE INDEX (products_discount_index) innerjoin (selectdistinct `product_id` from `category_product` force index (category_product_category_id_product_id_index) where `category_id` in (1260)) as `cp` on `products`.`id` = `cp`.`product_id` whereexists (select*from `stores` where `products`.`store_id` = `stores`.`id` and `stores`.`country` ='mx') and `is_active` =1and `priced_at` >='2025-03-09 14:14:05'and `store_id` =1and `brand_slug` ='bright-starts'orderby `discount` desc, `priced_at` desc limit 25offset0
TaxonomyTree.php#21descuento7.11msWITHRECURSIVE taxonomy_cte AS (
SELECT slug, title, CAST(NULLASCHAR(255)) AS parent_slug, `order`
FROM taxonomies
WHERE parent_id ISNULLAND store_id =1UNIONALLSELECT t.slug, t.title, CAST(cte.slug ASCHAR(255)) AS parent_slug, t.`order`
FROM taxonomies t
INNERJOIN taxonomy_cte cte ON t.parent_id = (
SELECT id FROM taxonomies WHERE slug = cte.slug AND store_id =1 LIMIT 1
SELECTDISTINCT slug, title, parent_slug, `order`
FROM taxonomy_cte
ORDERBY `order`
TaxonomyTree.php#21descuento5.36msWITHRECURSIVE taxonomy_cte AS (
SELECT slug, title, CAST(NULLASCHAR(255)) AS parent_slug, `order`
FROM taxonomies
WHERE parent_id ISNULLUNIONALLSELECT t.slug, t.title, CAST(cte.slug ASCHAR(255)) AS parent_slug, t.`order`
FROM taxonomies t
INNERJOIN taxonomy_cte cte ON t.parent_id = (
SELECT id FROM taxonomies WHERE slug = cte.slug LIMIT 1
SELECTDISTINCT slug, title, parent_slug, `order`
FROM taxonomy_cte
ORDERBY `order`
TaxonomyTree.php#21descuento11.36msWITHRECURSIVE taxonomy_cte AS (
SELECT slug, title, CAST(NULLASCHAR(255)) AS parent_slug, `order`
FROM taxonomies
WHERE parent_id ISNULLUNIONALLSELECT t.slug, t.title, CAST(cte.slug ASCHAR(255)) AS parent_slug, t.`order`
FROM taxonomies t
INNERJOIN taxonomy_cte cte ON t.parent_id = (
SELECT id FROM taxonomies WHERE slug = cte.slug LIMIT 1
SELECTDISTINCT slug, title, parent_slug, `order`
FROM taxonomy_cte
ORDERBY `order`